How Important Is LinkedIn

Career Advice
Jul 26, 2021
ResumeEdge/Blog/How Important Is LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the biggest professional network in the world, existing since 2003. Today it boasts more than 740 million profiles of users with over 55 million registered companies. Its main goal is to match the job seekers with employers and it is proved to help users in achieving their career targets.

If you are still not sure if it is worth having a LinkedIn account, keep in mind that the modern labor market is developing rapidly and today applying for a job requires more than just a simple resume. The hiring managers and recruiters use online platforms for applications and check the candidates’ information on social media, especially LinkedIn profiles that reflect their professional skills and experience. According to the statistics, around 90% of recruiters use this social network to search for talents.

Why is a professional LinkedIn Profile important?

Why is a professional LinkedIn Profile important?

Moreover, companies often start looking for the best job candidates on LinkedIn even before posting the exact job offer on the job-searching websites. Nowadays even when the hiring managers traditionally look through the candidates’ resumes or CVs, they crave to see the links to LinkedIn profiles alongside the main info and contacts to check out the applicant’s account. Numerous users approved that having a well-composed LinkedIn profile greatly enhances the chances for a job interview.

Why Is a Professional LinkedIn Profile Important?

A LinkedIn account is necessary for creating a network of contacts that can move you closer to the job you are interested in. You can search for the companies you’d like to work with, get to know more about them, and get acquainted with the workers, to get to know more about the organization. LinkedIn is useful for opposing you with your potential employers letting them see your profile, evaluate your accomplishments and offer you a job interview.

Not only you need to join LinkedIn, but you also need to make sure that your professional account showcases your experience and career achievements.

Why Do You Need a Professionally Composed LinkedIn Profile?

LinkedIn is a well-managed and smart network with many algorithms designed to help recruiters find their best candidates, as well as help job-seekers find what they look for. It is very important for job applicants to fill in their accounts with exact, compelling, and relevant information. It is also reasonable not to skip any sections offered by LinkedIn because all of the parameters may play a huge role in the account’s success.

The recruiters have special features in the candidate search that allow them to sort out the applicants with more than 40 filters. The parameters that are necessary to mention include profession, relevant experience, skills, achievements, etc.

Hiring managers often use the keyword search to find the candidate who suits the offering the most. That is why it is essential to use a professional lexicon, that is likely to interest potential employers.

LinkedIn gives its users an opportunity to signal recruiters about their availability, which increases the chances of an active account to appear in a hiring manager’s search.

Taking into account that the LinkedIn network represents over 55 million of the most progressive world companies it is easy to catch the moment and apply for the desired position when the employers have new openings.

You can use LinkedIn searching tools using keywords or the location to find the organizations that suit you the most. You may connect with the current company’s workers to get to know about the organization from the inside and even increase your chances of getting the job.

Related: How To Use LinkedIn To Get A Job

Another thing that boosts accounts in recruiters’ search is when profile users are following the company they want to work with. LinkedIn’s algorithms show recruiters candidates that are interested in the exact organization. Moreover, LinkedIn may send you the job alerts from the companies you follow, as well as other organizations’ offers that best fit your profession.

The mechanism of applying for the job is quite straightforward, you will be transferred directly to the company’s website, or send your resume via LinkedIn itself.

The benefits of using LinkedIn for your career path

For you to fully understand how important LinkedIn is we offer you to check out our LinkedIn benefits list, explaining its advantages for your career path.

  • You are searchable for recruiters

The recruiters and hiring managers while searching for candidates for a job position use the LinkedIn network, and that is why you should join this social media. Moreover, it is vital to make your account as appealing as it is possible.

To present yourself as an experienced and competent person, it is necessary to include only the information that is exact and describes you as a professional. If you are not confident in your LinkedIn profile composing skills, there is always an option to seek assistance from ResumeEdge writers.

Related: How to Contact Recruiters on LinkedIn?

  • Create your professional brand

Does LinkedIn work as a professional band page? Yes, it does.

No doubt that for some job seekers it is important to have a website reflecting their skills, accomplishments, and achievements that will give the reason for recruiters to hire them. But creating a personal website is pricy and not necessarily resultative as it is difficult to uplift it to Google’s first pages.

On the contrary, a LinkedIn profile is easy to find in Google search. Therefore, if you create an account that will represent your personal brand, potential employers have a great chance to see it and offer you a job interview.

  • Showcase your competence

Your personal LinkedIn profile is the best place to describe yourself in a way you want hiring managers to see you as a professional. A correctly composed account must contain an impressive summary, your achievements, awards, memberships, education, career history. What is more, LinkedIn profile may enclose the information that is not typically presented in the resume or CV. That may be the information that reflects your personality, your hobbies, talents, and non-professional skills. As a matter of fact, you must include only relevant and eye-catching details.

Moreover, there is a feature on LinkedIn that allows users to describe their professional skills and get social proof. When you claim some skill, your colleagues or anyone in your network can prove it to be true. The other users can recommend and endorse you, which builds great credibility for your LinkedIn profile.

Related: How To Add Skills To LinkedIn

  • Follow industry news

Like most social media, LinkedIn features a timeline that reflects recent news of groups, companies, or people you are networking with. It is a remarkable way to be aware of the latest trends of your industry, catch the open positions of the organizations you’d like to work with and keep in touch with your colleagues. Being active in LinkedIn discussions and exhibiting your professionalism increases your chances to be noticed by employers.

When to make a LinkedIn account?

If you want to know when to make a LinkedIn profile, the answer is simple: now. As soon as you expose yourself as a professional on LinkedIn networking, as better chances in your career development, you will have. If you are looking for a job now, it is certainly high time to create a LinkedIn profile to help recruiters to find you and offer you a job. In case if you are not in search, it would be wise for you to compose a LinkedIn profile and build your personal brand and network that will look credible and solid for the moment you might need it. Anyways, LinkedIn is not only a tool for a job search, it is mostly a professional social network for anyone interested in self-development in the chosen industry.

The Final Thoughts On How Important is Linkedin

Labor market industry is developing all the time and based on our experience in helping our clients to find their desired job position, we can claim that a professionally made LinkedIn account is becoming more and more demanded job for applicants. The statistics make it easy to see how important a LinkedIn profile is in your career building in the current digitalization era. The recruiters of over 55 million companies in the world are looking for their future employees in this professional social media network, so it is certainly worth not only being present on LinkedIn but also having a solid profile.

To make your LinkedIn account work for you it is crucial to make it look competent and impressive. You need to be capacious, but at the same time include the most strategic and advantageous information about you to increase your professional attractiveness. It may take time and patience to create the profile you want, otherwise, you may use the help of professional LinkedIn account creators. To make sure that your account looks attractive for the recruiters you can appeal to the writers from ResumeEdge professional LinkedIn profile service, who will make you stand out from a sea of other candidates.

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