linked profile writing service

Succeed in your career with a performing LinkedIn Profile

We will pair you with a LinkedIn profile writer who will turn your social page into a powerful career tool that attracts recruiters and brings interview invitations.
Price starts at 90$

LinkedIn is the biggest professional network

Over 750 million members registered on LinkedIn
3 people get hired every minute on LinkedIn
95% of recruiters use LinkedIn to source job candidates

Why are our LinkedIn profiles successful?

We find you an expert who knows your industry
It’s essential to hire a professional LinkedIn Profile writer aware of all the peculiarities inherent in your job industry. Your profile writer will highlight the most important information recruiters pay attention to first of all while evaluating the candidates for the position you want to hold.
We make LinkedIn Profile YOURS
Recruiters want to know who you are as a person and professional. Our experts create inspiring summaries that demonstrate your main achievements and describe your individuality. The described powerful work experience will reflect your career progress and illustrate the ways you have achieved your goals.
We optimize your LinkedIn Profile
One of the main goals in creating a LinkedIn profile is to make it visible and attractive for the recruiters. Our experts will provide your profile with the recommendation that will put your page on top positions in recruiters' search. You will gain the attention and get more related connections as well as job offers.
Don't hesitate and create your perfect LinkedIn Profile right now!
Go to order

Explore how we revamp LinkedIn page


Pricing plans

Increase your chances to land a job with our packages
$ savings
Price starts from:
  • LinkedIn Profile Writing
$40 savings
Price starts from:
  • Resume Writing
  • Cover Letter Writing
  • LinkedIn Profile Writing
$25 savings
Price starts from:
  • Resume Writing
  • LinkedIn Profile Writing

How it works

Take 3 easy steps to get your job-winning resume
step 1
step 2
step 3
step 1
Place an order
Choose the service and proceed with the payment. Send us your instructions and the link to your LinkedIn page.
step 2
Communicate with a LinkedIn expert
You start one-to-one communication with your expert via our messaging board.
step 3
Get your order
Receive your top-notch resume and other documents strictly by the deadline.

About ResumeEdge

ResumeEdge is a leading resume writing company with over 23 years of experience in the market. We have a team of professional and certified writers, recruiters, and HRs who follow the latest job hiring trends and positively influence our clients’ career prosperity.

What Is a Linkedin Profile?

When one reads guides or tips about resume creation and job-hunting, it’s inevitable to stumble upon the information about writing a good Linkedin profile. That’s why, in this article, we will try to sort out what it is, highlight the components of a successful Linkedin profile, and the benefits that it can bring you. Besides that, we will also suggest a few solutions that can provide the necessary result.

LinkedIn represents a social network for professionals, including employees, employers, and potential candidates. As a matter of fact, it can be considered a usual network like Facebook or others, with the only difference that all of its members are working people. At the moment, it’s possible to confidently state that Linkedin didn’t only achieve its original goals but even exceeded them. It wouldn’t be baseless to think of a Linkedin profile as a real resume put on display for everyone, which consists of your working experience, summaries, education, skills, contact information, and much more.

Why Do You Need a Linkedin Profile?

There are many situations when a job-seeker has both a finely tailored resume and an attractive-looking cover letter but still can’t get the desired chance. Although resumes and cover letters are an integral part of applying for a job, they are nothing near to the efficiency of Linkedin profiles in terms of becoming noticeable for recruiters. It may sound like an exaggeration, but in reality, the majority of HR managers utilize this network, searching for suitable candidates. On the other hand, many applicants also use Linkedin, looking for available positions that match their tastes and experience. That’s especially true if you consider applying online or working remotely, which is a pretty popular decision in light of recent events.

Based on the information above, it’s easy to conclude that the necessity of Linkedin profile writing is no less than the creation of a resume. On top of that, it can become rather beneficial, as it is a perfect opportunity to advertise your candidacy and directly communicate with interested recruiters. However, as well as resumes, if the profile is not decent enough, there is no reason to expect an appropriate result. Naturally, that flows into the problem of writing a good Linkedin profile, which can be troublesome but rewarding at the same time.

How Should a Proper Linkedin Profile Look Like

A Linkedin profile consists of four parts, such as headline, summary, working experience, and education. Besides that, there is also a skill section, which isn’t long enough to be a complete part of the profile yet equally important. Although there are lots of peculiarities to each section, the main points to adhere to are:

  • Determine your target audience and the main purpose
  • Detail all the information as much as possible
  • Use keywords to optimize the text for searching engines

The headline is the first place that meets the recruiter’s eyes, which is why it has to be pleasant to read while being descriptive to its fullest. Fortunately, Linkedin provides 120 words, allowing you to include your current position in the particular company, profession, and specialization. The next step is writing a Linkedin summary, where people can share the story behind them and show off their personalities. Then comes the section of working experience, where one places detailed information about their position and indicates the achievements. If possible, it’s recommended to describe them in detail, sometimes referring to the outcome and sometimes even specific methods of solving particular problems. The last paragraph describes your previous education, which can become pretty helpful to gain privileges from the search engine (bachelor’s or master’s) and network with fellow graduates. A final touch to any Linkedin profile that can be considered good is a perfect photo that finely complements it.

Problems of Creating a Good Linkedin Profile

Of course, there are many more moments that demand attention. For example, if your target audience is not potential employers but new clients, the content of the summary can change drastically. At the same time, you wouldn’t want to include some of your previous workplaces if you didn’t stay there for long. That’s because recruiters want to find consistent workers, and changing lots of jobs may become a bad sign for them. Finally, one of the most difficult things is to optimize your profile for Linkedin search engines.

Considering all of that, it’s only natural that many job-seekers prefer another way of achieving this result – they apply to Linkedin profile writing service. To put it shortly, the client purchases the service, and then the company assigns a professional writer experienced in Linkedin profile writing. Such a purchase may look a bit pricey, but a decent product can fulfill the expected results and even exceed them. However, it’s worth understanding that a Linkedin profile is not the same thing as a resume or a cover letter because it’s a page on the social network, which requires updates. The best advantage of LinkedIn is its possibility to network with other professionals, attract the attention of recruiters, and advertise your brand, looking for new clients. That’s why, even if you have an outstanding Linkedin profile, never forget to network with other people and sometimes update it with interesting information.

What Does ResumeEdge Suggest to You?

Though creating a Linkedin profile isn’t more difficult than writing a resume, it’s still quite a challenge. At the same time, it would be a lie if someone said that creating a decent profile on one’s own is an impossible task. It’s doable but requires much research and effort, while the result is still not guaranteed and may not meet expectations. On the other hand, applying for a Linkedin writing service can significantly save both time and nerves. If you decide to use this way, choosing a suitable company is also a question of concern. That’s why in such a situation, we would like to recommend you apply to ResumeEdge.

We can back up all our words and always do our best to ensure the quality of our services, as well as our client’s satisfaction. ResumeEdge is a company with 23 years of experience and lots of positive reviews, which is real proof of our reliability. Besides that, we provide our clients with the right to choose their particular writer and shape their document through communication. Moreover, we ensure a guaranteed right to ask for any corrections during the first 30 days after receiving the final draft. We wish you good luck in your Linkedin profile writing, and if you ever decide to receive help from professionals – you are always welcome at ResumeEdge.

Frequently asked questions

LinkedIn Profile and Resume: what's the difference?

Generally, a LinkedIn profile allows for much more freedom in terms of showcasing who you are as a professional and as an individual. Apart from the ability to add hyperlinks, videos, and other media into your profile, you can use less formal language and open up about yourself a little more.

After all, LinkedIn is a social platform! With the LinkedIn profile done right, you can truly connect to your employer on different levels. And besides, there are virtually no limitations in terms of space: you can write down all the experience you feel is necessary.

Why do I need a LinkedIn Profile?

A resume can get you in the door if you're looking for a new job, but a professionally crafted LinkedIn Profile may help you clinch the deal.

Many recruiters and hiring managers use LinkedIn to decide who gets an interview. A current LinkedIn Profile also helps headhunters and possible employers target and discover you as a professional if you're not actively seeking a new job, but open for offers.

How does the LinkedIn writing process work?

We will start our cooperation by getting all the necessary information on your skills, education, and experience that is required for professional LinkedIn profile writing. You can send us all of the requirements along with the valuable info through an order form. We will take a thorough look at your LinkedIn profile in case you already have one to define the areas of improvement.

After you have placed an order, we will get in touch with you as soon as possible to finalize the details and to decide on a writer that will be working on your order. You will have the final say in the writer selection process.

You can communicate with the writer directly as the work progresses. After receiving the final draft, you have a guaranteed right to ask for any corrections during the first 14 days. When everything is finalized, you can add the new information to your LinkedIn profile or create a new profile right away!

What's included in the LinkedIn profile writing service?

ResumeEdge LinkedIn profile service will help you convert your LI page into an effective professional tool that attracts recruiters and leads to interview invitations.

Our specialists write engaging summaries that highlight your major accomplishments and characterize you as a unique individual. We will also add a recommendation to your profile, putting your page at the top of recruiters' searches.

Who will write your LinkedIn profile?

Our writers are skilled professionals certified by PARWCC. We select the writer individually for each order according to your preferences. Our LinkedIn profile writing services include not only simple writing but also filling your profile with important keywords according to LinkedIn standards.

We have a huge LinkedIn profile writing experience and employ professionals specialized in various job spheres. Such practice enables us to remain versatile, and you may be sure that we'll find a writer suited exactly to your needs.

Will my writer update my information on the LinkedIn page?

Our LinkedIn profile writing service provides the writing and optimization of your profile. The writers will present you the proposed changes and additions, and the work won't be considered done until your approval.

We don't make the changes directly in your LinkedIn account due to our privacy policy and to avoid problems with your account's privacy as well. We will provide you with all the content you need, and then you can update the profile by yourself.

Our Guarantees
  1. On-time delivery. We are dedicated to bringing your order in time, no matter how tight the deadline might be.
  2. Quick ordering process. The orders can be done easily through our order form. It takes us little time to process the order and come back to you with our proposals on the writers.
  3. Communication and support. We provide customer support all the way through your order. You will be able to speak to the writer directly and access the support team at any time.
  4. Secured payment methods. All the payments are done through our protected system. We employ a transparent policy on all finance-related issues.
  5. Confidentiality. We value the privacy of our customers highly. Our company doesn't store or sell your data to anyone, and the cooperation process would only include personal details where it is absolutely necessary.