Finding a job in 2022 is a multifaceted and complex process that requires a lot of time and effort. We have witnessed the reformation of the way of life we are accustomed to, which no longer corresponds to the reality and needs of people. Companies are moving to a new stage of work, which applicants need to be prepared for.

How Long Will It Take to Find a Job in 2022?
The hiring process is becoming more and more digitalized, new ways of recruiting are emerging. However, the resume is still the main document of the applicant, which gives him a chance to get an invitation to an interview. To not become long-term unemployed, job hunters must be aware of all the trends in the modern recruiting world. Therefore, now resume writing help is more valuable than ever.
How Long Does It Take to Get a Job?
Most employers respond to demand and tailor their working conditions to job seekers. Therefore, when people are already more or less accustomed to modern requirements, the workflow is improving gradually. It doesn’t take too long to get a response to your application from the recruiters. Each company’s interview process will most likely take between three and five weeks. Some businesses will have faster processes, while others will be slightly slower. You should expect to receive post-interview job offers within one to two weeks of your interview. Positions at a higher level may take even longer.
To understand how much you can find a job, we suggest you look at the statistics. In 2019, that is, before the pandemic, statistics showed that Americans were looking for work for an average of 15-26 weeks. In 2022, we are returning to about the same pace. Therefore, the average time to find a job is 3 to 6 months.
Related: Why Do You Need a Great Resume?
Why Does It Take So Long to Get a Job?
Around the world, millions of people are rethinking how they work and live and how best to balance the two aspects. It has led to a new tendency called the Great Resignation. Throughout 2021, millions of people in the US, China, Germany, and Japan quit their jobs en masse and no longer plan to return to their usual way of life.
This trend was influenced by pressure on developed countries and the COVID-19 pandemic. People found their incomes stagnant and often declined, job security became unreliable. The cost of housing and education has skyrocketed, leaving fewer young people able to build financially stable lives.
However, financial concerns arose long before the pandemic in the US, which only exacerbated the situation. According to the Mind Share Partners survey, two-thirds of millennials who quit their jobs in 2021 cited mental health reasons, and Gen Z’s share was even higher, and resulted in 81%.
The human and economic competition caused by the pandemic has also made many young people question their priorities. Therefore, at the moment of reform and search for the ideal solution, it can lead to a long job search.
Will I Find a Job in 2022?
Despite the sad picture that emerged in the first two years of the pandemic, in 2022, job search will be better. According to BLS statistics, for 2021 and January 2022, the number of Americans who have not been able to find a job for more than 27 weeks has declined from 4 million in January 2021 to almost 1.7 million in January 2022. In addition, the ratio of employment to the population at the moment is almost 60%. This level is higher than in the first year of the pandemic. However, it is still lower than before COVID-19.
Read More: What to Do if You’re Fired for Not Getting Vaccinated
Back in 2020, employers were worried that their employees would not be able to work remotely and were trying to get back to the office as soon as possible. However, the practice has shown something else: people like to work remotely. With 15.4% of Americans working remotely during the pandemic, companies are becoming more flexible. Hence the trend towards a hybrid work format has emerged, allowing employees to combine work at home and in the office. Therefore, we can conclude that business is slowly starting to revive, more job openings appear.
Is There an Increase in the Service Sector?
The short answer is yes. As BLS statistics show, in creating herd immunity from COVID-19, the service sector is also gradually reviving and creating new job openings. In January 2022, there is a noticeable increase in employment in such areas as:
- Leisure and hospitality
- Transport
- Delivery and transportation
- Catering
- Consumer goods stores
- Health and Personal Care Stores
- Sporting Goods Stores
- Bookstores
- Stores for hobby
- Shops for building materials, garden supplies, and many others
How Long Does it Take to Find a Job After College?
The Statista chart will help us determine up-to-date post-college employment information. In September 2020, the unemployment rate among graduates was as much as 9.3%. September 2021, compared with the previous one, showed that the unemployment rate among graduates decreased by 4% and became 5.4%, which is also gradually approaching the figures in the years before the pandemic.
In fact, the trends in getting a job after graduating from college in 2022 have not changed. On average, graduates also spend 3 to 6 months looking for a job. However, their process may be hampered by a lack of work experience. To prevent despair after graduation from college, students should think about their future during their studies.
An excellent experience for students will be internships, especially in their specialty. Therefore, if you are a student, do not waste time and look for suitable vacancies. You can then write various internships and volunteer projects in the experience section of your resume. It will not only show your qualities but also highlight you as an active candidate.
When Will I Get a Job?
As for the application process and approval time, we will resort to statistics first. In 2021, Indeed conducted a study that showed that 37% of applicants receive a response from recruiters and hiring managers within a week. The majority, i.e., 44%, spend several weeks waiting for a response. Only 4% of the lucky ones who employers answer during the day.
Of course, it all depends on the company, but on average, you should expect a response to the application for a month. As for a job offer, candidates expect it from one to two weeks after the interview.
Therefore, there is no exact answer to when the candidate will finally get a job because it’s all individual. We listed the statistics above, but the job search process is influenced by many factors, such as the time for hiring, signing a contract, and many others.
How to Speed Up the Job Search Process?
To help you get a job offer faster, ResumeEdge experts have compiled a list of valuable tips. Recruiters and hiring managers will primarily pay attention to those who:
- Well set up their profile for networking
This study proves the digitalization process that has shifted the recruitment process to social networks. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) surveyed recruiters and hiring managers and found that over 84% of them use social media to find suitable candidates. With this in mind, job seekers should take the time to complete their LinkedIn and Indeed profiles correctly.
- Is active
It does not mean that applicants should apply for all vacancies indiscriminately. However, it would not be very reasonable to believe that if you do nothing, then the job will find you. Employers appreciate those who are constantly in the know and do not waste time in vain. It will be an excellent decision to devote several hours a day to looking for a job. If the candidate realizes that they lack skills, this is the perfect time to acquire them.
- Have customed resume
It is unlikely that recruiters and hiring managers will pay attention to a resume that has not been edited for many years. During your job search, focus on creating a relevant resume without clichés, but job seekers should embed keywords to pass the ATS. It isn’t easy to do without turning the document into solid hackneyed phrases, but employers will definitely appreciate your efforts.
Suppose you feel like you want professional help creating your resume. In that case, our ResumeEdge team will provide you with the best writers available to evaluate your document, identify, and correct errors to improve your chances.