A cover letter is a kind of “attachment” to a resume, which allows you to better familiarize yourself with a person’s qualifications and work experience. Even though writing them is a fairly common practice, some people still do not know if it is worth spending their time and effort on it.
Do I Need A Cover Letter?
It is said that the need for cover letters has disappeared, that recruiters do not need them at all, because they are too general. Besides, many companies accept resumes online and also leave space for you to explain your interest. However, the cover letter allows you to find out more about the motivation of the applicant. Even if you are looking for a job through Linkedin, the employer isn’t able to understand your interest in the position. Therefore, recruiters can choose you from among various candidates, and invite you to interview if your cover letter is strong enough.

Is It Necessary To Write A Cover Letter?
Sometimes the use of this document is unavoidable, and there are even certain situations when a cover letter is needed. It’s a chance to stand out from other candidates, fill in some gaps, and so on.
Are Cover Letters Important?
People know what cover letters are and why they are needed. Even so, more than half of them do not submit such an important document, thinking you shouldn’t write cover letters unnecessarily. But this note is very important if you are serious about your desired position. But do you always need a cover letter? Maybe no, but there’s several reasons to write it:
- A cover letter is a great addition to your main document. A resume, as a brief description of your work experience and skills, does not give the employer a complete picture of your personality, but a cover letter allows recruiters to learn more about your personality and motivation. The resume should be short enough, about 1-2 pages, so as not to overload the recruiter with information. A cover letter, on the other hand, lets you describe more of your accomplishments, or how your experience and skills make you an ideal candidate for the position.
- The cover letter instantly demonstrates your communication skills. Your writing style will help the recruiter identify your insecurity, stiffness, and secrecy. But on the other hand, this is a great opportunity to show your charisma and persuasion skills. Besides, communication with people is an integral part of any work, even technical. Indeed, in any case, the employee has to communicate with colleagues, write reports, and talk with the manager.
- Oftentimes, cover letters help overcome your lack of experience. Employers value a passion for a particular job, and desire to learn more. And it will be great if the employer sees the qualities in your cover letter.
Optional Cover Letter Yes Or No
If a cover letter is required, then it can be written without any problems. However, there are many situations when this is optional, or the details of the cover letter are not indicated at all.
Recruiters expect both a resume and a cover letter if you’re applying for a job. Almost 80% of HR managers prefer to read cover letters. About 60% of recruiters expect this document if the vacancy is with a direct application process, for example via email. And if the vacancy is posted on Indeed, or other similar platforms, or the company’s internal website, then the recruiter wants a cover letter half the time.
If these metrics don’t convince you, then remember that about 80% of recruiters prefer candidates who sent a cover letter.
Does Anyone Read The Cover Letters?
80% of HR managers say they read cover letters even when they are not required. They also add that the gesture is an indicator of a serious attitude towards the hiring process.
Approximately 74% of recruiters read cover letters if they were required.
Even though hiring professionals emphasize the importance of a cover letter so much, some jobseekers doubt whether cover letters are necessary. According to recruiters, most candidates do not send cover letters. For example, if the description states that the cover note is optional, then only 35% of applicants write the letter. And even if the description says that a cover letter is necessary, only 38% of candidates do so.
By the way, about a third of recruiters prefer to read the cover letter before moving on to the resume. Sometimes they don’t even want to keep reading if the cover letter is weak or not written to their specifications. Our professional cover letter writers already know how to write a strong cover letter and how to stand out from other candidates.
Related: 10 Cover Letter Do’s and Don’ts
What Form Should I Write My Cover Letter In?
Applying through an automated system does not raise any questions, because there you just need to follow the instructions. But when it comes to email filing, it gets a little tricky.
We can’t tell you exactly how you should submit your cover letter, because recruiters have different opinions. Half of them prefer the document to be in the body of the letter, while the other half expect the cover letter as a separate document. Sometimes these details are indicated in the job description.
However, if nothing is said about it, don’t worry. The form in which you submit your cover letter is unlikely to affect your chances of getting an interview.
But the cover letter itself can have many nuances that should be considered before writing it. As we pointed out earlier, a weak cover letter can alienate the recruiter and show you on the wrong side. In any case, the online resume service can help you with writing both a cover letter and a resume. Our ResumeEdge team can not only create the application from scratch, but also redo an existing document. We take into account your preferences, and we are ready to advise you on how to make the perfect resume and cover letter.
Last Words On The Topic
Perhaps a cover letter is no longer a necessity. Indeed, now, the Internet offers simpler options for hiring candidates. A person’s identity can be easily verified by visiting their social networks. Maybe you don’t need a cover letter at all? But still, you need to remember that there are vacancies that require the document. And should you also miss the opportunity to create a great, long-lasting first opinion about yourself?